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" 除非.....,否則.....," 英文該怎麼說呢??




 S will not…….unless S ( S:代表主詞 )這一句中英文的寫法是相反的,要從後面翻回來,所以翻譯上面的例句應該:

I will not forgive him unless he apologizes.


Your health will not improve unless you change your diet.

何謂時間的價值?? The Value of Time (中英文版)

想知道一年的價值     To realize the value of One Year,
就去問被當過的學生    ask the student who has failed a class.
想知道一個月的價值     To realize the value of One Month,
就去問曾經早產的母親     ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby.
想知道一個禮拜的價值     To realize the value of One Week,
就去問週報的編輯     ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.
想知道一小時的價值     To realize the value of One Hour,
就去問等待見面的情侶     ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.
想知道一分鐘的價值     To realize the value of One Minute,
就去問剛錯過火車的人     ask a person who missed the train.
想知道一秒鐘的價值     To realize the value of One Second,
就去問剛閃過一場車禍的人     ask a person who just avoided an accident.
想知道百分之一秒的價值     To realize the value of One Millisecond,
就去問奧運的銀牌得主     ask the person who won a silver medal in the Olympics.
珍惜你所擁有的毎一課時間     Treasure every moment that you have!!